I refuse however to spend good money on a generic looking calendar so I've decided to go on the hunt for a free one.
This is a compilation of free calendar downloads made by very talented (and generous) artists, I hope you find some eye candy for your walls:
Mibo who always have the cutest creature downloads have put up a free 2010 planner:

This lovely matryoshka calendar has no dates inserted so you can use it again and again, beautifully created by a print a day:

Sherry and John from Young House Love have designed this cute calendar:

(You can also dowload a template and insert your own quotes)
Love.Obsess.Inspire has put up this free download created by Gleaux read her blog and download here:

The Canon Creative Park website is a treasure trove full of free printable goodies, this calendar is so whimsical and fun:

Enjoy, print, organize.
Emily XO